Top 7 Graphic Design Career Options

A graphic design career is exceptionally intriguing. It requires you to understand the art, technology and communication modes to enhance the overall impact. Since there are many graphic design career paths, you may often become confused to choose one effectively. 

A graphic design professional can get into various divisions right from publishing, healthcare to marketing, advertising and even digital communication.

Once you step into the field of graphic design careers, you will be surprised to find out the wide variety of choices. 

What Does A Graphic Designer Do?

Creative graphic design jobs require you to be focused and extremely talented. The graphic designers need to create layouts and graphics that include company logos, websites, books, user manuals and more.

Graphic design professionals need to have a strong knowledge of image construction, colour theory and font types. 

The artistic appeals need to be closely followed to ensure that they meet the target market. A graphic designer needs to create visuals that cater to the needs of the clients.

The creative and innovative designs will further help to enhance the market by target specific demographics. 

Creative graphic design job seekers need to have a set of qualifications and skills. These include :

  • Ability to communicate
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Computerised sketching ability
  • Understanding the target audience
  • Excellence in computer-aided design software (CAD) such as Corel Graphics Suite, Paintshop Pro, InDesign, Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver

What Are The Popular Graphic Design Jobs?

Needless to say, we are all surrounded by graphic designs. It plays a vital role in understanding how we perceive the world with fonts, colours and illustrations. It’s the graphic designer’s main job to create the functional and design appeal to the design. 

There are many graphic design career paths, and you will need to choose one that suits your needs. Furthermore, you will need to analyse the graphic design career salary as well before choosing one.

Becoming a graphic designer will require you to perform design across multiple fields. Well, becoming a graphic designer will open to a wide range of possibilities.

Hence, those becoming more interested in graphics design should take special attention to it. 

Some of the common graphic design career jobs include the following :

  • Photo editor
  • Creative director
  • Web designer
  • Product designer
  • Multimedia artist
  • Flash designer
  • Art director

Top Creative Graphic Designer Jobs

Choosing graphic designer careers isn’t easy, but it’s extremely fun. Some of the prominent job options that you will get after taking up the graphic designing course include the following

- Multimedia Designer

A multimedia designer is one of the most common graphic designer jobs. If you are new to this field and want to explore the possibilities of becoming a designer, then the multimedia designer is surely one of the best choices. 

The multimedia designer needs to work with art, design and sound sills to create animated videos and audio and visuals accordingly. They need to work with scale models and plans to come up with the best.

The multimedia designers need to use props, set and costumes, and other technical productions to ensure that everything falls perfectly into place. Being a multimedia designer will require you to be highly creative and use your imaginative power.

They need to be extremely flexible and versatile to work across different software platforms. 

Multimedia design jobs are widely available across the television and film industry. They are one of the most competitive fields, and hence, it is necessary to be extremely patient while learning this new skill.

You will need to practise thoroughly to gain mastery over it. 

- Logo Designer

Logo designers are extremely fun and creative. If you’re looking for a fun and creative graphic design career, then a logo designer is exactly what you need to be.

A logo designer needs to work with different shapes and colours to represent a company logo. Well, it is necessary to note that a logo isn’t only the company symbol but more. 

As a logo designer, you need to create a strong visual image of the company. The job opportunities as a logo designer can be too many. Several businesses and corporations are offering the benefit of service across various agencies and products.

All you need to do as a logo designer is to create a logo that reflects their brand and motto. 

- Flash Designer

Flash is one of the most commonly used multimedia programs. Flash is an interactive creative tool that is used across animated websites.

This helps to build clarity and quality. The description of a flash designer varies from company to company. 

As a flash designer, you need to create various interactive designs that comprise animation, audio and video. You need to enrol for a flash designing course to get a job in this field. Well, you need to have the proper skills to develop yourself in the area. 

- Photo Editor

Like a photo editor, you will need to work with real-life portraits and adjust their colour and various designs. This will play an essential role in helping to achieve an accurate design.

Image editing can be pretty simple, but when it involves various complexities such as colour balance, lighting and colour balance. 

If you want to become a photo editor, you need to be extremely well-versed with PhotoShop. Organisations must hire extremely skilled photo editors who have an in-depth knowledge of photography. 

- Layout Artist

As a layout artist, you will need to design the structure and layout of images. They may be beneficial for flyers, brochures, CD, booklets and more. The layout artists are responsible for maintaining the aesthetics of the image. 

The layout artist decides how the image will flow. Furthermore, it is extremely necessary to employ one for the long term. The layout designers usually find jobs in magazines, advertising agencies and public relation firms.

Over the years, the demand for in-house layout artists has increased. If not employed in an organisation, you might as well take up a freelance layout artist job. 

- Web Designer

Web designers are extremely important for the development and designing of the website. They help to create graphics, the layout of the pages.

The web designers are also responsible for creating the structure and navigation of your website. The web designer needs to maintain the navigation speed of the website. 

Furthermore, as a web designer, you will need to develop specific skills and get training in graphic design and computer graphics and be updated with the latest internet technology.

As a web designer, you can get jobs in web development, advertising, e-commerce and multimedia design. 

- Art Director

Becoming an art director requires you to have sufficient skills. An art director is responsible for directing the team’s vision and creating theme-driven contents that can help you design work.

You may either work with the organisation as a freelancer or employee. As an art director, you need to understand the team’s artistic vision to drive it on the right path. 

The art director works in close association with the graphics team. Hence, make sure to take care of financial and marketing services accordingly. You will need to be active in the field to create an effective brand image. 


1. Is graphic design a good career option?
- Graphic design can be a good career option for those with a passion for creativity and visual communication.

2. What is the future of graphic design in India?
- The future of graphic design in India is promising, with growing demand for design services in various industries, especially in the digital and marketing sectors.

3. Can a Graphic Designer earn in lakhs?
- The future of graphic design in India is promising, with growing demand for design services in various industries, especially in the digital and marketing sectors.


If you are looking for prospective graphic design careers, make sure to be aware of graphic design examples. You need to be well-versed with each design and understand each field’s requirements to bring an impact. 

Also, a graphic tablet is among the essential tools for any graphic designer. If you wish to purchase one, you can check our online store or give us a call on 1800 102 1518 for any help.

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